LIFE EVENTS – Spanish 2 Course Review (have fun non-spanish speakers)

Parte dos… 

I made quite a bit of progress through Spanish 2, which was the class I went to every day after lunch in the second trimester.  Puedo escribir un poco más que los dias primeras de la escuela ano, pero necesito ingles a veces. First, let’s talk about the units: our trimester of twelve weeks was split into two units- each one for six weeks. The first one talked about school. The first unit was themed around school and talks a lot about education.

Estoy buscando en mi cuaderno de la unidad y hay más que puedo hablar de. Voy a solamente hablar de las cosas interesantes y no hablo de las actividades aburrido. They talked a lot about what school is like in less well off places, such as by showing us how people get to school in Mexican Speaking countries. El libro habla de horarios también, y es muy divertido para mi a ver que la gente esta haciendo en la escuela durante el día. 

Evidemente, hay muchas tipos de inteligencias. Mi libro tiene la actividad en tipos de inteligencias, y es tan interesante. Muchas de los documentos son de escuelas auténticas (Or at least, that’s what my teacher said) y la persona en la estados unidos no va a ser familiar con las clases aquí. La mayoria de las clases estan similar a aqui en los Estados Unidos, pero algunas clases son diferente. Por ejemplo, la clase de filosofia… o la clase de Francés. Hmmm… muchas escuelas tienen la clase de Francés… que otras puedo usar? Ooh, en el documento hay la clase de Griego. No hay muchas personas a habla Griego. Interesante. Hay muchas mas, pero necesito hablar de otras actividades. Finalmente, veo el actividad en que hace el estudiante “bueno”?  

La unidad segundo es de viajar y las vacaciones. Otra vez, hay muchas actividades a hablar de. Primero, un actividad de las publicidades de viajar. Evidentemente, hay muchas lugares a viajar a en los paises esta hablando espanol hoy. La unidad habla de todos en viajar- lugares a visitar, sitios turisticos, ciudades, paises, hoteles… 

Ahora, como esta la clase de Espanol dos? The class followed a very different structure to Spanish 1. Spanish 1 was far more open – Spanish 2 was a lot more structured, although this could be due to different Spanish teachers. Every unit had its own dedicated workbook filled with various materials, worksheets, and infographics we could dissect and answer questions on. We would occasionally visit the computer lab to get various activities done too.

As four assessments… we had eight of them, which is a ton for a single trimester. That’s two every three weeks. There were four major types, and we had two of each, one for each unit. The first type is the  interpretive assignment, which usually started out with us being given an infographic. We had to read it, dissecting whichever words we could. Afterwards, we did a worksheet which consisted of three parts – the first was the vocab. The next was a comprehension check to see if we could actually understand what we were reading. They were mostly Cierto/Falso questions, but at times they could be something else. Lastly, we had to write answers to questions we were given in the assignment, which were usually relatively short, although they did require some elaboration.

The second type of test is called the Notebook Check and it’s exactly what it sounds like – checking to see if your notebook is up to date. We’re allowed to have some notebooks with us, and we answer questions about answers on the worksheets to make sure we did what we needed to do.

Next is the very scary interpersonal assignment. This one is very challenging for a number of reasons, but the main one is that you have to speak sentences with your own mouth on the fly. That’s surprisingly hard because at this early Spanish 2 stage we don’t know too much of the language and just kind of have to say what you can. I was generally able to speak more than most people, but it was usually only a few sentences before I eventually ran out of things to say on the fly. We were only given 20 seconds to speak with a command prompt, so we had to be fast. 

And lastly was the presentation assignment— this didn’t always consist of a presentation, sometimes it was just writing. We would usually be given a prompt about the unit we were working on and we’d have to write as much as we could in the period. This was actually the final for our class as well, as in Travel we had to discuss what made a great vacation. (I ended up writing about VN2023 again, because yes)

So what do I think of this class in general? Es bueno! Debes hacer. Y…. prepararte para Espanol tres tambien. No se que otras cosas a hablar sobre, so bye!!!

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